Questions and answersFrequently asked questions.

How is the duration of the research calculated?
Different researches last differently. For example, program in about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, its duration was considered several days as from the first day when field research was conducted to the last day it was finished. So, a lot depends on the type of the research and its aim. In some cases, the research duration can be stated in the attached article.
Different researches last differently. For example, program in about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, its duration was considered several days as from the first day when field research was conducted to the last day it was finished. So, a lot depends on the type of the research and its aim. In some cases, the research duration can be stated in the attached article.
Different researches last differently. For example, program in about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, its duration was considered several days as from the first day when field research was conducted to the last day it was finished. So, a lot depends on the type of the research and its aim. In some cases, the research duration can be stated in the attached article.
Different researches last differently. For example, program in about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, its duration was considered several days as from the first day when field research was conducted to the last day it was finished. So, a lot depends on the type of the research and its aim. In some cases, the research duration can be stated in the attached article.
Different researches last differently. For example, program in about risk factors of cardiovascular diseases, its duration was considered several days as from the first day when field research was conducted to the last day it was finished. So, a lot depends on the type of the research and its aim. In some cases, the research duration can be stated in the attached article.

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